
Mirai API 接口. 是 Mirai API 与 Mirai 协议实现对接的接口.


通常在引用 net.mamoe:mirai-core 模块后就可以通过 Mirai 获取到 IMirai 实例. 在 Kotlin 调用顶层定义 Mirai, 在 Java 调用 Mirai.getInstance().

使用 IMirai 的接口

IMirai 中的接口通常是稳定


默认通过 _MiraiInstance.get 使用 java.util.ServiceLoader 寻找实例. 若某些环境下 java.util.ServiceLoader 不可用, 可在 Kotlin 手动设置实例:





所有接口默认是可以稳定使用的. 但 LowLevelApiAccessor 中的方法默认是非常不稳定的.


IMirai 可能会增加新的抽象属性或函数. 因此不适合被继承或实现.

See also



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abstract suspend fun acceptMemberJoinRequest(event: MemberJoinRequestEvent)


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abstract suspend fun acceptNewFriendRequest(event: NewFriendRequestEvent)


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abstract suspend fun broadcastEvent(event: Event)

广播一个事件. 由 Event.broadcast 调用.

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使用 DSL 构建一个 OfflineMessageSource. 用法参考 MessageSourceBuilder.

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使用 groupUin 计算 groupCode. 这两个值仅在 mirai 内部协议区分, 一般人使用时无需在意.

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open fun calculateGroupUinByGroupCode(groupCode: Long): Long

使用 groupCode 计算 groupUin. 这两个值仅在 mirai 内部协议区分, 一般人使用时无需在意.

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abstract fun constructMessageSource(botId: Long, kind: MessageSourceKind, fromId: Long, targetId: Long, ids: IntArray, time: Int, internalIds: IntArray, originalMessage: MessageChain): OfflineMessageSource

构造一个 OfflineMessageSource.

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abstract fun createFileMessage(id: String, internalId: Int, name: String, size: Long): FileMessage

创建一个 FileMessage. namesize 只供本地使用, 发送消息时只会使用 idinternalId.

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open fun createImage(imageId: String): Image

构造 Image. 请优先使用 Image.Factory.create.

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abstract suspend fun downloadForwardMessage(bot: Bot, resourceId: String): List<ForwardMessage.Node>
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abstract suspend fun downloadLongMessage(bot: Bot, resourceId: String): MessageChain
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abstract suspend fun getGroupVoiceDownloadUrl(bot: Bot, md5: ByteArray, groupId: Long, dstUin: Long): String


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abstract suspend fun getOnlineOtherClientsList(bot: Bot, mayIncludeSelf: Boolean = false): List<OtherClientInfo>

获取在线的 OtherClient 列表

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abstract suspend fun getRawGroupList(bot: Bot): Sequence<Long>

向服务器查询群列表. 返回值高 32 bits 为 uin, 低 32 bits 为 groupCode

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abstract suspend fun getRawGroupMemberList(bot: Bot, groupUin: Long, groupCode: Long, ownerId: Long): Sequence<MemberInfo>

向服务器查询群成员列表. 请优先使用 Bot.getGroup, Group.members 查看群成员.

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open fun getUin(contactOrBot: ContactOrBot): Long

获取 uin.

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abstract suspend fun ignoreMemberJoinRequest(event: MemberJoinRequestEvent, blackList: Boolean = false)


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abstract suspend fun muteAnonymousMember(bot: Bot, anonymousId: String, anonymousNick: String, groupId: Long, seconds: Int)


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abstract fun newFriend(bot: Bot, friendInfo: FriendInfo): Friend

构造一个 Friend 对象.

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abstract fun newStranger(bot: Bot, strangerInfo: StrangerInfo): Stranger

构造一个 Stranger 对象.

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abstract suspend fun queryImageUrl(bot: Bot, image: Image): String


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abstract suspend fun queryProfile(bot: Bot, targetId: Long): UserProfile


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abstract suspend fun recallFriendMessageRaw(bot: Bot, targetId: Long, messageIds: IntArray, messageInternalIds: IntArray, time: Int): Boolean

撤回这条消息. 不会广播事件, 不会有安全性检查.

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abstract suspend fun recallGroupMessageRaw(bot: Bot, groupCode: Long, messageIds: IntArray, messageInternalIds: IntArray): Boolean

撤回这条消息. 不会广播事件, 不会有安全性检查.

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abstract suspend fun recallGroupTempMessageRaw(bot: Bot, groupUin: Long, targetId: Long, messageIds: IntArray, messageInternalIds: IntArray, time: Int): Boolean

撤回这条消息. 不会广播事件, 不会有安全性检查.

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abstract suspend fun recallMessage(bot: Bot, source: MessageSource)

撤回这条消息. 可撤回自己 2 分钟内发出的消息, 和任意时间的群成员的消息.

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inline suspend fun IMirai.recallMessage(bot: Bot, message: MessageChain)


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abstract suspend fun refreshKeys(bot: Bot)

主动刷新 keys, 如 SKey, PSKey 等.

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abstract suspend fun rejectMemberJoinRequest(event: MemberJoinRequestEvent, blackList: Boolean = false, message: String = "")


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abstract suspend fun rejectNewFriendRequest(event: NewFriendRequestEvent, blackList: Boolean = false)


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abstract suspend fun sendNudge(bot: Bot, nudge: Nudge, receiver: Contact): Boolean


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abstract suspend fun solveBotInvitedJoinGroupRequestEvent(bot: Bot, eventId: Long, invitorId: Long, groupId: Long, accept: Boolean)


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abstract suspend fun solveMemberJoinRequestEvent(bot: Bot, eventId: Long, fromId: Long, fromNick: String, groupId: Long, accept: Boolean?, blackList: Boolean, message: String = "")


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abstract suspend fun solveNewFriendRequestEvent(bot: Bot, eventId: Long, fromId: Long, fromNick: String, accept: Boolean, blackList: Boolean)



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abstract val BotFactory: BotFactory

请优先使用 BotFactory.INSTANCE

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Mirai 全局使用的 FileCacheStrategy.