
其他设备. 如当 BotANDROID_PHONE 登录时, 还可以有其他设备以 ANDROID_PAD, iOS, PC 或其他设备登录.


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@JvmName(name = "getAvatarUrl")
open fun avatarUrl(spec: AvatarSpec): String


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fun CoroutineScope.globalEventChannel(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext): EventChannel<Event>

在此 CoroutineScope 下创建一个监听所有事件的 EventChannel. 相当于 GlobalEventChannel.parentScope(this).context(coroutineContext).

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inline suspend fun Contact.recallMessage(source: MessageChain)
inline suspend fun Contact.recallMessage(source: MessageSource)
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expect open suspend fun sendMessage(message: String): MessageReceipt<Contact>


open suspend override fun sendMessage(message: Message): MessageReceipt<OtherClient>


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suspend fun Contact.sendNudge(nudge: Nudge): Boolean


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open suspend override fun uploadImage(resource: ExternalResource): Image

上传一个 资源 作为图片以备发送.

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expect suspend fun Contact.uploadImage(resource: ExternalResource): Image

将文件作为图片上传, 但不发送

actual suspend fun Contact.uploadImage(resource: ExternalResource): Image
suspend fun Contact.uploadImage(file: <Error class: unknown class>, formatName: String? = null): Image

将文件作为图片上传, 但不发送

suspend fun Contact.uploadImage(imageStream: <Error class: unknown class>, formatName: String? = null): Image

读取 InputStream 到临时文件并将其作为图片上传, 但不发送


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open val avatarUrl: String

头像下载链接, 规格默认为 AvatarSpec.LARGEST

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abstract override val bot: Bot

此设备属于的 Bot

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open override val id: Long

识别 id, 仅运行时使用.

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abstract val info: OtherClientInfo
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