class ResolvedCommandCallImpl(val caller: CommandSender, val callee: Command, val calleeSignature: CommandSignature, val rawValueArguments: List<CommandValueArgument>, context: CommandArgumentContext, val originalMessage: MessageChain) : ResolvedCommandCall
Default implementation.
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constructor(caller: CommandSender, callee: Command, calleeSignature: CommandSignature, rawValueArguments: List<CommandValueArgument>, context: CommandArgumentContext, originalMessage: MessageChain)
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Invoke this resolved call.
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使用 CommandCallInterceptor 依次调用 interceptBeforeCall. 在第一个拦截时返回拦截原因, 在所有 CommandCallInterceptor 都处理完成后返回结果 ResolvedCommandCall
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The callee CommandSignature, specifically a sub command from CompositeCommand
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The CommandSender responsible to this call.
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Original arguments
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Resolved value arguments arranged mapping the CommandSignature.valueParameters by index.