
object Companion


Link copied to clipboard
const val AI_NI: Int = 122
Link copied to clipboard
const val AI_QING: Int = 42
Link copied to clipboard
const val AI_XIN: Int = 66
Link copied to clipboard
const val AN_ZHONG_GUAN_CHA: Int = 269
Link copied to clipboard
const val AO_MAN: Int = 23
Link copied to clipboard
const val BAI_TUO: Int = 200
Link copied to clipboard
const val BAI_XIE: Int = 297
Link copied to clipboard
const val BAI_YAN: Int = 22
Link copied to clipboard
const val BAN_ZHUAN_ZHONG: Int = 260
Link copied to clipboard
const val BANG_BANG_TANG: Int = 147
Link copied to clipboard
const val BAO_BAO: Int = 222
Link copied to clipboard
const val BAO_JI: Int = 223
Link copied to clipboard
const val BAO_JIN: Int = 146
Link copied to clipboard
const val BAO_QUAN: Int = 118
Link copied to clipboard
const val BI_SHI: Int = 105
Link copied to clipboard
const val BI_XIN: Int = 319
Link copied to clipboard
const val BI_ZUI: Int = 7
Link copied to clipboard
const val BIAN_BIAN: Int = 59
Link copied to clipboard
const val BIAN_PAO: Int = 137
Link copied to clipboard
const val BIAN_XING: Int = 312
Link copied to clipboard
const val BIAO_LEI: Int = 210
Link copied to clipboard
const val BO_BO: Int = 214
Link copied to clipboard
const val BU: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val BU_KAI_XIN: Int = 194
Link copied to clipboard
const val CA_HAN: Int = 97
Link copied to clipboard
const val CAI: Int = 77
Link copied to clipboard
const val CAI_DAO: Int = 112
Link copied to clipboard
const val CAI_GOU: Int = 317
Link copied to clipboard
const val CANG_SANG: Int = 263
Link copied to clipboard
const val CENG_YI_CENG: Int = 219
Link copied to clipboard
const val CHA: Int = 171
Link copied to clipboard
const val CHA_JIN: Int = 121
Link copied to clipboard
const val CHAN_DOU: Int = 235
Link copied to clipboard
const val CHAO_FENG: Int = 230
Link copied to clipboard
const val CHAO_PIAO: Int = 158
Link copied to clipboard
const val CHE_YI_CHE: Int = 217
Link copied to clipboard
const val CHI: Int = 204
Link copied to clipboard
const val CHI_GUA: Int = 271
Link copied to clipboard
const val CHI_TANG: Int = 324
Link copied to clipboard
const val CHONG_BAI: Int = 318
Link copied to clipboard
const val DA_CALL: Int = 311
Link copied to clipboard
const val DA_KU: Int = 9
Link copied to clipboard
const val DA_LIAN: Int = 279
Link copied to clipboard
const val DA_XIAO: Int = 193
Link copied to clipboard
const val DAN: Int = 188
Link copied to clipboard
const val DAN_GAO: Int = 53
Link copied to clipboard
const val DAO: Int = 56
Link copied to clipboard
const val DE_YI: Int = 4
Link copied to clipboard
const val DENG_LONG: Int = 138
Link copied to clipboard
const val DIAN_ZAN: Int = 201
Link copied to clipboard
const val DIAO_XIE: Int = 64
Link copied to clipboard
const val DING_GUA_GUA: Int = 221
Link copied to clipboard
const val doge: Int = 179
Link copied to clipboard
const val E: Int = 198
Link copied to clipboard
const val emm: Int = 270
Link copied to clipboard
const val FA_DAI: Int = 3
Link copied to clipboard
const val FA_DOU: Int = 41
Link copied to clipboard
const val FA_NU: Int = 11
Link copied to clipboard
const val FAN: Int = 61
Link copied to clipboard
const val FEI_JI: Int = 151
Link copied to clipboard
const val FEI_WEN: Int = 85
Link copied to clipboard
const val FEN_DOU: Int = 30
Link copied to clipboard
const val FO_XI: Int = 232
Link copied to clipboard
const val GAN_BEI: Int = 229
Link copied to clipboard
const val GAN_GA: Int = 10
Link copied to clipboard
const val GONG_XI: Int = 228
Link copied to clipboard
const val GOU_YIN: Int = 119
Link copied to clipboard
const val GU_ZHANG: Int = 99
Link copied to clipboard
const val HA_QIAN: Int = 104
Link copied to clipboard
const val HAI_PA: Int = 206
Link copied to clipboard
const val HAI_XIU: Int = 6
Link copied to clipboard
const val HAN: Int = 278
Link copied to clipboard
const val HAN_XIAO: Int = 28
Link copied to clipboard
const val HAO: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val HAO_BANG: Int = 199
Link copied to clipboard
const val HAO_SHAN: Int = 301
Link copied to clipboard
const val HE_CAI: Int = 144
Link copied to clipboard
const val HE_HE_DA: Int = 272
Link copied to clipboard
const val HE_NAI: Int = 148
Link copied to clipboard
const val HE_XIE: Int = 184
Link copied to clipboard
const val HENG: Int = 231
Link copied to clipboard
const val HONG_BAO: Int = 192
Link copied to clipboard
const val HONG_BAO_BAO: Int = 304
Link copied to clipboard
const val HU_LIAN: Int = 215
Link copied to clipboard
const val HUA_CHI: Int = 207
Link copied to clipboard
const val HUAI_XIAO: Int = 101
Link copied to clipboard
const val HUI_SHOU: Int = 129
Link copied to clipboard
const val HUI_TOU: Int = 127
Link copied to clipboard
const val JI_DONG: Int = 130
Link copied to clipboard
const val JI_E: Int = 24
Link copied to clipboard
const val JI_ZHANG: Int = 280
Link copied to clipboard
const val JIA_YOU: Int = 315
Link copied to clipboard
const val JIA_YOU_BAO_BAO: Int = 246
Link copied to clipboard
const val JIA_YOU_BI_SHENG: Int = 245
Link copied to clipboard
const val JIE_WU: Int = 131
Link copied to clipboard
const val JING_DAI: Int = 234
Link copied to clipboard
const val JING_KONG: Int = 26
Link copied to clipboard
const val JING_LI: Int = 282
Link copied to clipboard
const val JING_XI: Int = 180
Link copied to clipboard
const val JING_YA: Int = 0
Link copied to clipboard
const val JU_HUA: Int = 190
Link copied to clipboard
const val JU_JUE: Int = 322
Link copied to clipboard
const val K_GE: Int = 140
Link copied to clipboard
const val KA_FEI: Int = 60
Link copied to clipboard
const val KAI_QIANG: Int = 224
Link copied to clipboard
const val KE_AI: Int = 21
Link copied to clipboard
const val KE_DAO_LE: Int = 313
Link copied to clipboard
const val KE_LIAN: Int = 111
Link copied to clipboard
const val KE_TOU: Int = 126
Link copied to clipboard
const val KEN_TOU: Int = 236
Link copied to clipboard
const val KOU_BI: Int = 98
Link copied to clipboard
const val KOU_ZHAO_HU_TI: Int = 247
Link copied to clipboard
const val KU: Int = 16
Link copied to clipboard
const val KU_LOU: Int = 37
Link copied to clipboard
const val KUAI_KU_LE: Int = 107
Link copied to clipboard
const val KUANG_XIAO: Int = 283
Link copied to clipboard
const val KUN: Int = 25
Link copied to clipboard
const val K歌: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val LA_JIAO_JIANG: Int = 276
Link copied to clipboard
const val LA_YAN_JING: Int = 265
Link copied to clipboard
const val LAN_QIU: Int = 114
Link copied to clipboard
const val LAO_SE_PI: Int = 321
Link copied to clipboard
const val LEI_BEN: Int = 173
Link copied to clipboard
const val LENG_HAN: Int = 96
Link copied to clipboard
const val LENG_MO: Int = 197
Link copied to clipboard
const val LI_WU: Int = 69
Link copied to clipboard
const val LIAO_YI_LIAO: Int = 225
Link copied to clipboard
const val LIU_HAN: Int = 27
Link copied to clipboard
const val LIU_LEI: Int = 5
Link copied to clipboard
const val MAI_MENG: Int = 175
Link copied to clipboard
const val MANG_DAO_FEI_QI: Int = 261
Link copied to clipboard
const val MEI_GUI: Int = 63
Link copied to clipboard
const val MIAN_WU_BIAO_QING: Int = 284
Link copied to clipboard
const val MIAO_MIAO: Int = 307
Link copied to clipboard
const val MO_GUI_XIAO: Int = 286
Link copied to clipboard
const val MO_JIN_LI: Int = 293
Link copied to clipboard
const val MO_YU: Int = 285
Link copied to clipboard
const val NA_DAO_HONG_BAO: Int = 295
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
const val NAN_GUO: Int = 15
Link copied to clipboard
const val NAO_KUO_TENG: Int = 262
Link copied to clipboard
const val NIU_A: Int = 299
Link copied to clipboard
const val NIU_QI_CHONG_TIAN: Int = 306
Link copied to clipboard
const val NO: Int = 123
Link copied to clipboard
const val O: Int = 287
Link copied to clipboard
const val O_YO: Int = 266
Link copied to clipboard
const val OK: Int = 124
Link copied to clipboard
const val OU_HUO: Int = 86
Link copied to clipboard
const val PAI_SHOU: Int = 227
Link copied to clipboard
const val PAI_TOU: Int = 216
Link copied to clipboard
const val PAI_ZHUO: Int = 226
Link copied to clipboard
const val PANG_SAN_JIN: Int = 300
Link copied to clipboard
const val PEN_LIAN: Int = 240
Link copied to clipboard
const val PEN_XIE: Int = 177
Link copied to clipboard
const val PI_JIU: Int = 113
Link copied to clipboard
const val PIAO_CHONG: Int = 117
Link copied to clipboard
const val PIE_ZUI: Int = 1
Link copied to clipboard
const val PING_PANG: Int = 115
Link copied to clipboard
const val QI_DAI: Int = 294
Link copied to clipboard
const val QI_DAO: Int = 145
Link copied to clipboard
const val QIA_YI_QIA: Int = 233
Link copied to clipboard
const val QIAO_DA: Int = 38
Link copied to clipboard
const val QIAO_KAI_XIN: Int = 290
Link copied to clipboard
const val QIN_QIN: Int = 109
Link copied to clipboard
const val QING: Int = 288
Link copied to clipboard
const val QING_ZHU: Int = 320
Link copied to clipboard
const val QIU_DA_LE: Int = 100
Link copied to clipboard
const val QIU_HONG_BAO: Int = 308
Link copied to clipboard
const val QUAN_TOU: Int = 120
Link copied to clipboard
const val RANG_WO_KANG_KANG: Int = 292
Link copied to clipboard
const val RENG_GOU: Int = 244
Link copied to clipboard
const val SAO_RAO: Int = 181
Link copied to clipboard
const val SE: Int = 2
Link copied to clipboard
const val SERIAL_NAME: String
Link copied to clipboard
const val SHAN_DIAN: Int = 54
Link copied to clipboard
const val SHAN_LIAN: Int = 238
Link copied to clipboard
const val SHENG_LI: Int = 79
Link copied to clipboard
const val SHENG_RI_KUAI_LE: Int = 241
Link copied to clipboard
const val SHI_AI: Int = 116
Link copied to clipboard
const val SHOU_QIANG: Int = 169
Link copied to clipboard
const val SHUAI: Int = 36
Link copied to clipboard
const val SHUAI_TOU: Int = 243
Link copied to clipboard
const val SHUANG_XI: Int = 136
Link copied to clipboard
const val SHUI: Int = 8
Link copied to clipboard
const val SONG_HUA: Int = 205
Link copied to clipboard
const val TAI_NAN_LE: Int = 274
Link copied to clipboard
const val TAI_YANG: Int = 74
Link copied to clipboard
const val TIAN_YI_TIAN: Int = 218
Link copied to clipboard
const val TIAO_PI: Int = 12
Link copied to clipboard
const val TIAO_SHENG: Int = 128
Link copied to clipboard
const val TIAO_TIAO: Int = 43
Link copied to clipboard
const val TOU_KAN: Int = 237
Link copied to clipboard
const val TOU_TU: Int = 267
Link copied to clipboard
const val TOU_XIAO: Int = 20
Link copied to clipboard
const val TOU_ZHUANG_JI: Int = 242
Link copied to clipboard
const val TU: Int = 19
Link copied to clipboard
const val TUO_LIAN: Int = 203
Link copied to clipboard
const val TUO_SAI: Int = 212
Link copied to clipboard
const val WANG_WANG: Int = 277
Link copied to clipboard
const val WEI_QU: Int = 106
Link copied to clipboard
const val WEI_XIAO: Int = 14
Link copied to clipboard
const val WEN_HAO_LIAN: Int = 268
Link copied to clipboard
const val WO_BU_KAN: Int = 211
Link copied to clipboard
const val WO_MEI_SHI: Int = 316
Link copied to clipboard
const val WO_SHOU: Int = 78
Link copied to clipboard
const val WO_SUAN_LE: Int = 273
Link copied to clipboard
const val WO_ZUI_MEI: Int = 183
Link copied to clipboard
const val WU_LIAN: Int = 264
Link copied to clipboard
const val WU_LIAO: Int = 202
Link copied to clipboard
const val WU_NAI: Int = 174
Link copied to clipboard
const val WU_YAN_XIAO: Int = 281
Link copied to clipboard
const val XI_GUA: Int = 89
Link copied to clipboard
const val XIA: Int = 110
Link copied to clipboard
const val XIAN_QI: Int = 323
Link copied to clipboard
const val XIAN_WEN: Int = 132
Link copied to clipboard
const val XIAO_JIU_JIE: Int = 176
Link copied to clipboard
const val XIAO_KU: Int = 182
Link copied to clipboard
const val XIAO_YANG_ER: Int = 208
Link copied to clipboard
const val XIE_HONG_BAO: Int = 309
Link copied to clipboard
const val XIE_YAN_XIAO: Int = 178
Link copied to clipboard
const val XIN_NIAN_YAN_HUA: Int = 310
Link copied to clipboard
const val XIN_SUI: Int = 67
Link copied to clipboard
const val XU: Int = 33
Link copied to clipboard
const val YANG_TUO: Int = 185
Link copied to clipboard
const val YAO: Int = 168
Link copied to clipboard
const val YI_WEN: Int = 32
Link copied to clipboard
const val YIN_XIAN: Int = 108
Link copied to clipboard
const val YONG_BAO: Int = 49
Link copied to clipboard
const val YOU_BAI_NIAN: Int = 303
Link copied to clipboard
const val YOU_HENG_HENG: Int = 103
Link copied to clipboard
const val YOU_LING: Int = 187
Link copied to clipboard
const val YOU_QIN_QIN: Int = 305
Link copied to clipboard
const val YOU_TAI_JI: Int = 134
Link copied to clipboard
const val YOU_XIAN: Int = 29
Link copied to clipboard
const val YUAN_BAO: Int = 298
Link copied to clipboard
const val YUAN_LIANG: Int = 239
Link copied to clipboard
const val YUE_LIANG: Int = 75
Link copied to clipboard
const val YUN: Int = 34
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZAI_JIAN: Int = 39
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZAN: Int = 76
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZHA_DAN: Int = 55
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZHA_YAN_JING: Int = 172
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZHE_MO: Int = 35
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZHEN_HAO: Int = 296
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZHEN_JING: Int = 291
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZHENG_YAN: Int = 289
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZHOU_MA: Int = 31
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZHU_TOU: Int = 46
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZHUA_KUANG: Int = 18
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZHUAI_ZHA_TIAN: Int = 220
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZHUAN_QUAN: Int = 125
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZI_XI_FEN_XI: Int = 314
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZI_YA: Int = 13
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZU_QIU: Int = 57
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZUO_BAI_NIAN: Int = 302
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZUO_HENG_HENG: Int = 102
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZUO_QIN_QIN: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val ZUO_TAI_JI: Int = 133
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 不开心: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 乒乓: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 亲亲: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 仔细分析: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 佛系: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 便便: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 偷看: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 偷笑: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 傲慢: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 元宝: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 再见: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 冷汗: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 冷漠: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 凋谢: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 击掌: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 加油: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 加油必胜: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 加油抱抱: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 勾引: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 卖萌: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 原谅: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 双喜: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 发呆: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 发怒: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 发抖: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 变形: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 口罩护体: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 可怜: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 可爱: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 右亲亲: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 右哼哼: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 右太极: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 右拜年: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 吃瓜: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 吃糖: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 呲牙: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 呵呵哒: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 咒骂: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 咖啡: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 哈欠: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 哦哟: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 啃头: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 啤酒: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 啵啵: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 喝奶: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 喝彩: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 喵喵: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 喷脸: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 喷血: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 嗑到了: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 嘲讽: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 回头: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 坏笑: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 大哭: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 大笑: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 太南了: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 太阳: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 头撞击: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 头秃: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 奋斗: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 好棒: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 好闪: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 委屈: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 嫌弃: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 害怕: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 害羞: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 小样儿: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 小纠结: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 尴尬: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 崇拜: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 左亲亲: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 左哼哼: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 左太极: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 左拜年: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 差劲: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 干杯: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 幽灵: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 庆祝: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 开枪: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 得意: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 微笑: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 心碎: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 忙到飞起: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 快哭了: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 怄火: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 恭喜: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 悠闲: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 惊呆: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 惊喜: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 惊恐: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 惊讶: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 憨笑: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 我不看: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 我最美: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 我没事: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 我酸了: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 扇脸: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 手枪: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 打call: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 打脸: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 扔狗: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 托脸: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 托腮: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 扯一扯: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 抓狂: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 折磨: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 抠鼻: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 抱抱: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 抱拳: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 拍头: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 拍手: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 拍桌: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 拒绝: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 拜托: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 拜谢: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 拥抱: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 拳头: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 拽炸天: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 拿到红包: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 挥手: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 捂脸: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 掐一掐: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 握手: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 搬砖中: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 摸锦鲤: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 摸鱼: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 撇嘴: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 撩一撩: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 擦汗: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 敬礼: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 敲开心: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 敲打: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 斜眼笑: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 新年烟花: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 无奈: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 无眼笑: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 无聊: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 暗中观察: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 暴击: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 月亮: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 期待: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 棒棒糖: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 比心: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 求红包: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 汪汪: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 沧桑: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 河蟹: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 泪奔: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 流汗: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 流泪: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 激动: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 灯笼: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 炸弹: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 点赞: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 爆筋: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 爱你: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 爱心: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 爱情: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 牛啊: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 牛气冲天: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 狂笑: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 猪头: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 献吻: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 玫瑰: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 瓢虫: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 生日快乐: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 甩头: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 疑问: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 白眼: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 真好: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 眨眼睛: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 睁眼: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 磕头: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 示爱: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 礼物: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 祈祷: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 笑哭: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 篮球: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 糊脸: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 糗大了: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 红包: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 红包包: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 羊驼: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 老色痞: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 胖三斤: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 胜利: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 脑阔疼: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 舔一舔: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 花痴: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 菊花: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 菜刀: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 菜狗: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 蛋糕: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 街舞: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 西瓜: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 让我康康: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 调皮: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 谢红包: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 足球: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 跳绳: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 跳跳: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 蹭一蹭: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 转圈: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 辣椒酱: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 辣眼睛: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 送花: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 鄙视: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 钞票: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 闪电: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 闭嘴: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 问号脸: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 阴险: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 难过: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 震惊: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 面无表情: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 鞭炮: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 顶呱呱: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 颤抖: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 飙泪: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 飞吻: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 飞机: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 饥饿: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val : Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 骚扰: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 骷髅: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 魔鬼笑: Int
Link copied to clipboard
const val 鼓掌: Int