
@ConsoleExperimentalApi(message = "This is a low-level API and might be removed in the future.")
fun addBot(id: Long, password: String, configuration: BotConfiguration.() -> Unit = {}): Bot
@ConsoleExperimentalApi(message = "This is a low-level API and might be removed in the future.")
fun addBot(id: Long, password: ByteArray, configuration: BotConfiguration.() -> Unit = {}): Bot
@ConsoleExperimentalApi(message = "This is a low-level API and might be removed in the future.")
fun addBot(id: Long, authorization: BotAuthorization, configuration: BotConfiguration.() -> Unit = {}): Bot

添加一个 Bot 实例到全局 Bot 列表, 但不登录.

调用 Bot.login 可登录.

See also

获取现有 Bot 实例列表