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constructor(owner: Plugin)


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suspend fun CommandSender.add(account: Long, password: String, passwordKind: AutoLoginConfig.Account.PasswordKind = PLAIN)
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suspend fun CommandSender.cancel(target: PermitteeId, permission: Permission)
fun Permittee.cancel(vararg permissions: Permission, recursive: Boolean)
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suspend fun CommandSender.cancelAll(target: PermitteeId, permission: Permission)
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suspend fun CommandSender.clear()
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inline suspend fun CommandSender.executeCommand(message: String, checkPermission: Boolean = true): CommandExecuteResult


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inline fun <R> CommandSender.fold(ifIsSystem: SystemCommandSender.() -> R, ifIsUser: UserCommandSender.() -> R, otherwise: CommandSender.() -> R = { error("CommandSender ${this::class.qualifiedName} is not supported") }): R

折叠 CommandSender 的可能性.

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尝试获取 Bot.

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suspend fun CommandSender.handle()
suspend fun CommandSender.handle(id: Long, password: String? = null, protocol: BotConfiguration.MiraiProtocol? = null)
suspend fun CommandSender.handle(id: Long)
suspend fun CommandSender.handle()
suspend fun CommandSender.handle()
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thisUserCommandSender 时返回 true

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suspend fun CommandSender.list()
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suspend fun CommandSender.permit(target: PermitteeId, permission: Permission)
fun Permittee.permit(vararg permissions: Permission)
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suspend fun CommandSender.permittedPermissions(target: PermitteeId, all: Boolean = true)
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suspend fun CommandSender.remove(account: Long)
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inline fun <R> CommandSender.scopeWith(action: MessageScope.() -> R): R
inline fun <R> CommandSender?.scopeWith(vararg others: CommandSender?, action: MessageScope.() -> R): R
inline fun <R> CommandSender?.scopeWith(vararg others: MessageScope?, action: MessageScope.() -> R): R
inline fun <R> CommandSender?.scopeWith(vararg others: Contact?, action: MessageScope.() -> R): R
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inline suspend fun CommandSender.sendAnsiMessage(capacity: Int = 16, builder: AnsiMessageBuilder.() -> Unit): MessageReceipt<Contact>?

CommandSender 发送一条带有 ANSI 控制符的信息

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suspend override fun sendMessage(message: String): Nothing?
abstract suspend fun sendMessage(message: Message): MessageReceipt<Contact>?


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open override fun toString(): String


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open override val bot: Bot?

与这个 CommandSender 相关的 Bot. 当通过控制台执行时为 null.

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open override val isAnsiSupported: Boolean

当前 SystemCommandSender 是否支持 Ansi 信息

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override val owner: Plugin
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open override val permitteeId: PermitteeId
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open override val subject: Contact?

与这个 CommandSender 相关的 Contact.

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open override val user: User?
