
日志基类. 若 Mirai 自带的日志系统无法满足需求, 请继承这个类或 PlatformLogger 并实现其抽象函数.

这个类不应该被用作变量的类型定义. 只应被作为继承对象. 在定义 logger 变量时, 请一直使用 MiraiLogger 或者 MiraiLoggerWithSwitch.

See also



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expect open fun call(priority: SimpleLogger.LogPriority, message: String? = null, e: Throwable? = null)


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expect open fun debug(e: Throwable?)
override fun debug(message: String?, e: Throwable?)

override fun debug(message: String?)

记录一个 调试 级别的日志.

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inline fun MiraiLogger.debug(message: () -> String?)
inline fun MiraiLogger.debug(message: () -> String?, e: Throwable?)
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expect open fun error(e: Throwable?)
override fun error(message: String?, e: Throwable?)

override fun error(message: String?)

记录一个 错误 级别的日志.

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inline fun MiraiLogger.error(message: () -> String?)
inline fun MiraiLogger.error(message: () -> String?, e: Throwable?)
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expect open fun info(e: Throwable?)
override fun info(message: String?, e: Throwable?)

override fun info(message: String?)

记录一个 信息 级别的日志.

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inline fun MiraiLogger.info(message: () -> String?)
inline fun MiraiLogger.info(message: () -> String?, e: Throwable?)
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expect open fun verbose(e: Throwable?)
override fun verbose(message: String?, e: Throwable?)

override fun verbose(message: String?)

记录一个 verbose 级别的日志. 无关紧要的, 经常大量输出的日志应使用它.

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inline fun MiraiLogger.verbose(message: () -> String)
inline fun MiraiLogger.verbose(message: () -> String, e: Throwable?)
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expect open fun warning(e: Throwable?)
override fun warning(message: String?, e: Throwable?)

override fun warning(message: String?)

记录一个 警告 级别的日志.

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inline fun MiraiLogger.warning(message: () -> String?)
inline fun MiraiLogger.warning(message: () -> String?, e: Throwable?)
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给这个 logger 添加一个开关, 用于控制是否记录 log


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expect abstract val identity: String?

日志的标记. 在 Mirai 中, identity 可为

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expect open val isDebugEnabled: Boolean

当 DEBUG 级别的日志启用时返回 true

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open override val isEnabled: Boolean

获取 MiraiLogger 是否已开启

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expect open val isErrorEnabled: Boolean

当 ERROR 级别的日志启用时返回 true

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expect open val isInfoEnabled: Boolean

当 INFO 级别的日志启用时返回 true

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expect open val isVerboseEnabled: Boolean

当 VERBOSE 级别的日志启用时返回 true.

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expect open val isWarningEnabled: Boolean

当 WARNING 级别的日志启用时返回 true